Symptoms of high pressure


The amount of blood pressure can be expressed in a value of two numbers, one indicating how much blood is pumped throughout the body, which is known as systolic pressure. The other is the amount of blood flow resistance through the blood vessels. Both numbers are expressed in millimeters Mercurial, and therefore can be said that the amount of ideal blood pressure is between 60/90 - 80/120 mmHg. In fact, high blood pressure is often caused by the narrowing of the small blood vessels circulating in the body, called the urticaria. This is accompanied by an increase in the effort exerted by the heart to pump blood through the narrow blood vessels, resulting in an increase in pressure Blood in the blood vessels, and high blood pressure of the disorders that rarely associated with the emergence of symptoms on the injured, most people with high blood pressure do not know, so-called the disease name of silent killer, as this continued rise in blood pressure and uncontrollable, impoverished because As a result of a number of serious health problems.

Symptoms of hypertension

As shown above, most people do not experience any symptoms of high blood pressure. If the blood pressure exceeds 110/180 mmHg, the patient may have a hypertensive crisis), which is a very serious health problem and requires emergency medical intervention, and accompanied by about of hypertension with the emergence of a number of different symptoms of the patient, some can be mentioned as follows:
  • Symptoms appear in adults: Examples include:
  1. Headaches.
  2. Nausea, and vomiting.
  3. Feeling dizzy.
  4. Suffering from eye blinking, or double vision.
  5. Blood from the nose.
  6. Palpitations, irregular heartbeat, or heartbeat.
  7. Breathlessness.
  8. Symptoms appear on children: Examples include:
  9. Headache.
  10. Fatigue and fatigue. The eye is closed.
  11. Bleeding from the nose.
  12. Bell's palsy, or inability to control the muscles on either side of the face.
  • Symptoms appear in infants and young children: Examples include:
  1. Failure to thrive, or FTT.
  2. Epilepsy, or irritability (Irritability).
  3. Lethargy.
  4. Respiratory distress

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