What is health

The health

Health is the general state of the body and mind, with reference to the integrity of the functions of all body organs, healing of any diseases, the individual's mental and mental health, and health is the extent of the individual's physical, emotional, mental and social ability to adapt to the surrounding environment.

Behaviors that maintain health

The importance of physical health has increased with the development of health services in the world and the development of medicine as well, through the treatment of some diseases that were intractable or fatal, and human behavior has become an important element to maintain the overall health of the body, so must improve behaviors by following the following: Behaviors:
  • Commitment to healthy health habits.
  • Obtain support from health professionals.
  • Maintain the right weight by reducing caloric intake, which increases the sense of vitality and vitality.
  • Eat healthily.
  • Exercise.
  • Disease control, through proper diet, maintaining the blood pressure level in the body, this leads to a healthy flow of blood and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle and breaking the bad habits of taking ready-to-eat meals helps reduce disease and improves physical health.
Mental and emotional health

Mental and emotional health reflect the happiness of the individual, as well as self-confidence, flexibility and awareness. Good mental health leads to better coping with life problems and avoids relapses. Mental health plays a role It is very important in maintaining physical health and vice versa. Among the things that improve mental health:
  • Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, a chemical in the brain that increases the feeling of happiness and relaxation. Exercising improves physical appearance, promotes mental health, increases confidence, and Reduces stress and improves mental and cognitive abilities.
  • Healthy balanced diet.
  • Building good social relationships help maintain mental health. This can be done by doing voluntary work, watching movies, and joining a club. All these practices improve health, mood, and mental functioning.

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